Friday, August 3, 2007

Physically Fit...

I went to Elmbrook hospital today for my required pre-op physical. Everything checked out normal as far as my health was concerned. My oral surgeon, Dr. Mark Kortebein also wanted me to get some blood work done. So I headed down to the blood lab where they took 2 vials of blood and performed a clot test. I couldn't believe how primitive this test was! They literally cut my arm with a razor blade and dabbed up the blood for about 4 minutes.... Kinda weird that they don't just have some machine that will tell you how many platelets are in your blood. Anyway, I passed the clot test and will get my blood results next Friday. I'm starting to get nervous now, not only because of the surgery, but I still have to register for my fall classes!

11 more days and counting...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Tuesday is soon! All set?