Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day 11- Out and About

Today I finally went for a drive. I took my kid brother to my grandparents house and spent some time over there for a few hours. Then I made the 25 mile trek home without any problems. I know they say to be careful when your on meds but I guess that only applies to lightweights. It really doesn't affect me at all.

For dinner tonight I had some fresh blueberry juice, sweet potatoes (through a syringe!) and a strawberry shake. I also had some canned soup beforehand and the salt in there just burned the inside of my mouth. It makes me wonder what I put into my body when I'm healthy and oblivious to those things.

I think there is some feeling coming back into my face, even if it is taking forever. I can now drink out of a cup and I can swish water/mouthwash around in my mouth. Before today, my mouth felt "dead". I've also been taking my front 2 rubber bands off to brush my teeth on the inside of my mouth and my tongue. That felt great when I finally did that the other day! I put the bands right back on, so I doubt anything negative should come of it...

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