Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 18- Wasting Away

The weekend is finally here. Today I woke up early because of an aching pain somewhere in my head. I can't say it was in my upper/lower jaw, but more like in the back of my throat. I took some Tylenol but couldn't fall asleep. This was the start of a long, tiring weekend. All day I felt exhausted, hungry and this was accompanied by the aching pain in my throat. I think the pain is from me trying to open my mouth to eat, but what can I do? I keep losing weight and I can't survive on shakes anymore. I'm trying to eat oatmeal, but that involves opening my mouth just wide enough to make it hurt. I guess I'm going to have to endure the pain if I want to keep my weight up.

I went to my grandparents today to visit and do a little fishing. I took the boat out which was the first time post-op. I caught a nice, fat 16" bass. It felt good to do some of the things that I love to do again... I'm not one to watch tv all day, so these last 3 weeks or so have been really boring and testing to my spirit.

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