Tuesday, October 9, 2007

8 Weeks- New Sensations

Wow, it's really been a while! What can I say, things are going so well that I don't feel like posting all the time (same old stuff)... My appointments are finally starting to get spread out a little more. I'm going in for my OS appointment in 2 weeks instead of 1 week and my OD appointments are back to 6 weeks apart. It feels good not to have to get up early to go see the OS every week just for a 5 minute checkup.

A few days ago, feeling has started to return to the roof of my mouth. It's kind of a ticklish type of feeling, but I'm just so glad it is coming back. As for my face, only the center of my chin and lower lip are numb yet. The "circle" just keeps getting smaller... Since I'm getting feeling back in my mouth, I've been eating a lot more solid food. Before, the numbness made chewing so uncomfortable. Now, I'm eating chicken and pasta and bread and all those good things that I've missed for 8 weeks now... I'm still holding back on hard, crunchy things like fresh vegetables, nuts and the like. I had a cheese sandwich yesterday and it really was amazing..;-)

My bands are still on 24/7. The gaps in the back are closing, but it's extremely slow. I take off the bands to brush, eat and stretch my mouth and then they are on for the remaining 23 hours. They don't hurt anymore however... About the stretching thing; it really seems hopeless. I stretch all day long, for about 5 minutes each time. I can still fit only 2 fingers in my mouth and it makes me sick. I don't even like talking about it. After a month of stretching, I only improved by a few millimeters. It just doesn't want to get any better.


Grace said...

what was the procedure called in your case, and how are you allowed to chew already?

I've had a LeFort 1 on my upper jaw and a Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy on my mandible and it's been 2 weeks and I'm not allowed to chew, not that I'd be able if I were allowed to. My lower jaw is screwed to the rest of my head/mandible at the back of my teeth on both sides. And I can barely open my mouth for my compact toothbrush to fit through the front.
And I've been warned about chewing...I tried to suck on a cm Square slice of pear a few days ago and I had to spit it out, it was impossible.

Pearl Low said...

Interesting blog! I just got my jaw surgery last week and I'm just finally recognizing how long of a process it's actually going to take, in order for everything to go back to normal. Thanks for sharing your experience, it's good to know someone who's also going through it. :)