Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 8

I had the most incredible night of sleep last night- it was just amazing! :-) I woke up at 10:30AM which put me at a new post-op record of 10 hours of sleep. I actually had trouble getting up to take my meds, because I was so relaxed. I don't even think I took my pain killers before bed, maybe they are the culprits keeping me awake at night? I know whenever I take them, I have a very slight feeling like my head is spinning or my brain is working overtime and not really thinking about anything. It's a weird feeling...

I'm been spitting out stitches and chunks of skin as my palate continues to heal. It feels so gross, especially since I can't see in there. I'm just glad I'm healing and I'll leave it at that.


amycq said...

Yum...finding stitches in the sink! :)) I've been there too!

It's nice to get a night's worth of sleep isn't it? You'll never take that for granted again huh?!

Emily & Daniel said...

Did you take hydrocodone? That's what happens to me on them. I told the doctor that but he prescribed it to me anyway. I just had jaw surgery this past Tuesday, so I have been reading a lot of blogs to find solace in this horrible experience. Did you have to have a splint?